A feature that is new to me is a short video clip of the Salmon and sea trout moving up the fish counter in Mörrumsån... nice to see fish moving!
fredag 18 juni 2010
torsdag 20 maj 2010
Fish and politics
EU is a fairly big part of sea fishing - worldwide.
And if you are interested in the progress of reforming fishing politics they (hopefully) do! se and read some more at http://www.cfp-reformwatch.eu/
The site is started by Swedish journalist and present member of the EU fisheies committee, Isabella Lövin
fredag 7 maj 2010
Salmon paradise near home
15 minutes drive from home (if traffic is pleasant) a little peace of paradise is hiding! Säveån was as nice as I had thought – if not even better. It is a fairly small river and in summertime I think my 13,7 rod will bee a bit to much... but this wonderful place, I gladly fish on a single hand rod instead.
It is in the beginning of its season, witch started may first! Maybe kelts already has moved downstream and maybe spring fish is on their way but today there was no signs of fish!
This is a river close to the city and is well worth a visit – if not for salmon fishing at least for the wonderful nature surrounding the river! I will probably return soon!
It is in the beginning of its season, witch started may first! Maybe kelts already has moved downstream and maybe spring fish is on their way but today there was no signs of fish!
This is a river close to the city and is well worth a visit – if not for salmon fishing at least for the wonderful nature surrounding the river! I will probably return soon!
tisdag 4 maj 2010
Time to go fishing again.
Last weekend I did not go fishing at all, first weekend this season with no fishing... I thought I should try a new stream today instead. Since I live in Göteborg the closest stream I have is river Säveån! This river is producing fairly big fish and in 2005 a salmon at 17,64 kg were caught by fly and fly rod, biggest rod caught so far!
I have been told this beat is a green oasis close to the city but I haven't had the opportunity to fish it before. The beat is not producing a lot of fish and I have therefore spent most of my time fishing in rivers with a bigger number of landed fish. Today however I just feel like fishing and this is close to home!
I have been told this beat is a green oasis close to the city but I haven't had the opportunity to fish it before. The beat is not producing a lot of fish and I have therefore spent most of my time fishing in rivers with a bigger number of landed fish. Today however I just feel like fishing and this is close to home!
fredag 30 april 2010
As I was out fishing river Mörrum this week I finally managed to land a fish! Kelts, but still the first once for me! The road to hook and land has been long. Hope has come and past, fishing trips has been measured in lost flies, good casts and recreation. I have probably spent as much time tying new and exiting flies as I have been out using them. Now that the first fish is landed I think about all this time I have spent not catching fish! Has it been a waste of time? Some times I have been fairly confident that my days fishing for salmon was getting close to expiration date, I honestly don´t know why I kept on trying. And it did cross my mind that this season might be the last... then maybe I would go back to fishing for trout instead.
I am struggling to put words on what these fish mean to me, but the first fish was not a pleasure! I didn't enjoy it at all actually, there has been so much time invested into landing that first fish, I just felt a lot of pressure instead. When that first one was landed and released I sat down and felt the calm spring breeze, I saw a pair of geese cruising at the far bank and it felt like all the birds in the forest were singing and celebrating, celebrating the arrival of spring. Spring really came fast this year, even though it was a hard winter. Wood anemone is filling the space between the trees and birch leafs is starting to make the forest green once again. I took my rod, put a new hook on my tippet and again put my fly into the stream. I was fishing my way downstream and after a while I started to feel rather content, I was enjoying fishing again! About an hour after the first fish I felt the weight of another fish on my fly. This fish was fighting harder and so was I! I managed to land it myself and it took the same fly as the first one. Both fish where about 90 cm and I hope to meet them again some time in the future!
måndag 26 april 2010
When I woke up Sunday morning I was really tired, a friend of mine is getting married and this Saturday there was a small bachelor party... anyway I got to the river as the sun was shining and almost no wind. I think that because I was a bit tired I was probably more relaxed while casting and it felt really good! We where mostly fishing a place called fajan, a good place when fish is coming up at spring. This is also where the 9,5 kg fish where caught earlier. I was fishing with a sink 1/2 with fairly big flies, still I got stuck in the bottom several times. Maybe its time to use a line that is fishing a little less deep, I lost no more than one fly but most of my hooks got badly beaten... need some more! Me and my fishing buddy where fishing Ätran last Sunday and now it´s obvious spring is coming fast, soon nature is green again and it will bee nice to rest in the growing grass looking up in the trees.
A good fish was caught later in the afternoon on Sunday, a 12 kg and 114 cm, biggest so far this season!
Hopefully this week will be a good one! I will fish (just a few hours) in Mörrumsån this week and it seems as fishing has been good so far this season.
A good fish was caught later in the afternoon on Sunday, a 12 kg and 114 cm, biggest so far this season!
Hopefully this week will be a good one! I will fish (just a few hours) in Mörrumsån this week and it seems as fishing has been good so far this season.
fredag 23 april 2010
weekend fishing
This week has not contained as much fishing as I would like... but a trip to Ätran is planned on Sunday. Earlier this week a spring salmon was caught on a fly and that was the third fish landed this season (first one for fly fishing), maybe a few more will be caught this weekend. Temperature is rising slowly and water level keeps dropping. Sunshine is expected and it will bee a nice day to lay a cast into salmon water!
This season has started in a good way on the west coast and in river Lagan (40 km south of river Ätran) a sea trout at 8,45 kg and 87 cm was caught this week! This is a fairly big fish to bee caught at the west coast! Promising!
This season has started in a good way on the west coast and in river Lagan (40 km south of river Ätran) a sea trout at 8,45 kg and 87 cm was caught this week! This is a fairly big fish to bee caught at the west coast! Promising!
tisdag 20 april 2010
Salmon caught in river Ätran
First salmon caught by flyfishing was caught earlier tody in Ätran!
Go to http://fiskebloggen.se/2010/04/20/arets-forsta-flugfangade-lax-i-atran/ for pics
congratulations for this magnificent fish!
Go to http://fiskebloggen.se/2010/04/20/arets-forsta-flugfangade-lax-i-atran/ for pics
congratulations for this magnificent fish!
måndag 19 april 2010
First time again!
Sunday was some what of a second premier since my fishing friend had spent the past weeks on vacation. It was also the first time he lay a cast into river Ätran and we fished most of the beat to get a feeling for where and how to fish it in the future. We will probably spend most of the Saturday mornings this season fishing the beat in Falkenberg.
The seasons second spring fish was caught during the time we where fishing unfortunately not by us... we had been told two spring fish had been caught earlier but one of them turned out to bee a kelt! Hard to see the difference sometimes even though that fish was caught by an experienced angler. The salmon caught yesterday however had sea lice on it and was a nice fish at 5,8 kg.
Water level is now dropping about 10 cm / day and water temperature was yesterday at 7,3° C.
It was fairly windy until noon but for the afternoon wind was OK, the sun scattered the clouds and was shining from a clear blue sky. It turned out to be a nice day for salmon fishing!
The super fast sinking tippet is now packed in my vest and casting is starting to work better, need some more time practising still.
The seasons second spring fish was caught during the time we where fishing unfortunately not by us... we had been told two spring fish had been caught earlier but one of them turned out to bee a kelt! Hard to see the difference sometimes even though that fish was caught by an experienced angler. The salmon caught yesterday however had sea lice on it and was a nice fish at 5,8 kg.
Water level is now dropping about 10 cm / day and water temperature was yesterday at 7,3° C.
It was fairly windy until noon but for the afternoon wind was OK, the sun scattered the clouds and was shining from a clear blue sky. It turned out to be a nice day for salmon fishing!
The super fast sinking tippet is now packed in my vest and casting is starting to work better, need some more time practising still.
måndag 12 april 2010
Fishy business
As I was closing in on the spot I planned to start fishing on Saturday I came across a odd sight! A man waking downstream with a antenna. The project he was involved in was looking at how salmon migrate in river Ätran.
They had caught 45 salmon last year and put a transmitter on them, since then they had been following those salmon. There were some fixed checkpoints put up in different places along the river but they where also “strolling” the river bank with a antenna. With the the fixed points they could see how far up the system fish where moving and with the hand held antenna they could pinpoint the fish. Now in early April they were looking at fish mowing out to sea again, and what surprised me is that he found the fish was still in the river! In Ätran it seems as most of the spring flood has already passed with last weekends water level at over 110m³, now has dropped to 60m³ – I thought the fish were following the flood into the sea – but instead it seems last years spawning fish is still somewhere in the river system. Maybe the river temperature has something to do with it? Last weekend river was in about +1° C and this Saturday river temperature had risen to +5° C ! maybe fish is waiting for a optimal temperature to return into sea?
The project is a part of the river management, next year the hydro power plant closest to sea is supposed to bee remodelled – this will bee done by opening the original canal and let the river and migrating fish take that way instead of going trough the dangerous turbines! But as it is with those project it is not yet certain whether it will bee delayed or if it will go as planned.
They had caught 45 salmon last year and put a transmitter on them, since then they had been following those salmon. There were some fixed checkpoints put up in different places along the river but they where also “strolling” the river bank with a antenna. With the the fixed points they could see how far up the system fish where moving and with the hand held antenna they could pinpoint the fish. Now in early April they were looking at fish mowing out to sea again, and what surprised me is that he found the fish was still in the river! In Ätran it seems as most of the spring flood has already passed with last weekends water level at over 110m³, now has dropped to 60m³ – I thought the fish were following the flood into the sea – but instead it seems last years spawning fish is still somewhere in the river system. Maybe the river temperature has something to do with it? Last weekend river was in about +1° C and this Saturday river temperature had risen to +5° C ! maybe fish is waiting for a optimal temperature to return into sea?
The project is a part of the river management, next year the hydro power plant closest to sea is supposed to bee remodelled – this will bee done by opening the original canal and let the river and migrating fish take that way instead of going trough the dangerous turbines! But as it is with those project it is not yet certain whether it will bee delayed or if it will go as planned.
While looking for salmon moving out to sea he found a majority standing right downstream the hydro power plant – it might bee a sign of fish going through the turbines and not in the intended passes.
Unfortunately I got the chance to see the consequences of fish passing through the turbines later in the day, a fellow fisherman caught a kelt with massive damages! Half the upper jaw was torn of from passing the turbines – the fish was put back but I think this one will have a hard time surviving at sea.
In river Emån there is a project with one of the power company's, to build a safer passage for the downstream migrating fish – this project was put in place last year and has been working fairly good! This year some improvements is supposed to be done and hopefully it will work – if it does work, and fish is passing beside – instead of through the turbines I hope this solution will be used in all the places where the hydro power plant is viewed as a necessity!
A few interesting fact though;
Although there is some man maid obstacles – and because of that man maid passes for salmon – one salmon had been spotted more than 60 km upstream !
Another salmon had been found in a small stream less than a meter wide at spawning time! - I thought sea trout was using the small streams and salmon in the bigger once...
Although there is some man maid obstacles – and because of that man maid passes for salmon – one salmon had been spotted more than 60 km upstream !
Another salmon had been found in a small stream less than a meter wide at spawning time! - I thought sea trout was using the small streams and salmon in the bigger once...
söndag 11 april 2010
River Ätran Saturday
I thought I should try to cast my fly out in a different time than I usually start fishing.
I came to Ätran just after lunch and thought the warm day might heat up the water a bit, and hopefully fish would bee a bit more active! This was my fourth time fishing the new rod and i think this will bee a very nice rod for me.
Fellow fishermen caught some kelt but not even the slightest pull in my fly.
Conditions is getting better and better with dropping water level and rising temperature soon there will bee more fish rising than there is fish moving out to sea.
The season up till yesterday has produced two spring fish - and more is coming!
I came to Ätran just after lunch and thought the warm day might heat up the water a bit, and hopefully fish would bee a bit more active! This was my fourth time fishing the new rod and i think this will bee a very nice rod for me.
Fellow fishermen caught some kelt but not even the slightest pull in my fly.
Conditions is getting better and better with dropping water level and rising temperature soon there will bee more fish rising than there is fish moving out to sea.
The season up till yesterday has produced two spring fish - and more is coming!
onsdag 7 april 2010
Emån is not a very large river and in today's water level it was huge in many places, in most places flooded. But to lay a cast at Nacken is a pleasure in any conditions! A new experience is wading waist deep and having trees right beside, feels a bit strange since I had been fishing here in a lot less water. Also I had to think some about all the small bushes growing alongside the river bank, bushes that eat flies it seems. But on the other hand the fish probably move in closer to land to find slack water... difficult but I am at least sure I got close to the those small bushes. I know salmon has been caught recently but I did not see any sign of fish, small signs of spring on the other hand was sowing! Birds singing, buds on the trees and on the ground spring is close and more rising fish is on the way.
It felt good being back here in Emån, the whole river feels fantastic and I hope I can come back soon again.
It felt good being back here in Emån, the whole river feels fantastic and I hope I can come back soon again.
tisdag 6 april 2010
Emån Tomorrow!
A fishing license for Emsfors beat in Emån (http://www.emsforssfk.se/) is booked for tomorrow but I fear for even more water – at the moment 130m³ and rising – lots and lots of water! Bad conditions seems to follow my planned trips...
I will probably bee fishing the lower parts of the beat, probably in a pool called Nacken.
I tried this pool last year and even then in fairly bad conditions, when I was there the conditions was bad on the other side of the scale... I was fishing in September at 5m³ and the water temperature was probably better suited for swimming. Even though water level and temperature was as it was, I had my best chance for fish right in this pool. My fly caught something I thought was a rock or a log and I started to pull – then it started to pull back and made a heavy splash in the surface before my tippet broke... after that I was a bit more careful when my fly stopped in the middle of the stream.
Nacken is a very nice place to lay a cast in, it is a slow pool that ends in rapid water. A pool that running fish tend to rest in for a while (at least what I´v been told). If it is a good place to fish in spring I don´t know, but salmon moving upstream has already been caught in Emån.
I will probably bee fishing the lower parts of the beat, probably in a pool called Nacken.
I tried this pool last year and even then in fairly bad conditions, when I was there the conditions was bad on the other side of the scale... I was fishing in September at 5m³ and the water temperature was probably better suited for swimming. Even though water level and temperature was as it was, I had my best chance for fish right in this pool. My fly caught something I thought was a rock or a log and I started to pull – then it started to pull back and made a heavy splash in the surface before my tippet broke... after that I was a bit more careful when my fly stopped in the middle of the stream.
Nacken is a very nice place to lay a cast in, it is a slow pool that ends in rapid water. A pool that running fish tend to rest in for a while (at least what I´v been told). If it is a good place to fish in spring I don´t know, but salmon moving upstream has already been caught in Emån.
I had planned to fish Ätran on Friday and Monday this weekend, my girlfriend thought of a very good idea and booked a room for the both of us in Grand Hotell Falkenberg with a view over tullbron – the last rapids before Ätran enter the sea.
So when I woke up, the first thing I saw looking out the window was Ätran! A lot of water but just a cast away. A cup of coffee and a sandwich then right out in the stream. Conditions was probably not the best, lots of water and and low temperature.
Since there is a lot of water I fish with a super fast sinking tippet, to get my fly a bit further down, but this tippet is not quite working with my casting. The rod is behaving a bit nervous and is not as agile as I think it should bee in normal conditions.
As soon as water level is getting lower I hope my casting will work properly again.
I did not catch anything nor did I feel a single fish, but reports say that the first spring fish has been caught toady April 5´th, a salmon of 4,5 kg and 75 cm!
So when I woke up, the first thing I saw looking out the window was Ätran! A lot of water but just a cast away. A cup of coffee and a sandwich then right out in the stream. Conditions was probably not the best, lots of water and and low temperature.
Since there is a lot of water I fish with a super fast sinking tippet, to get my fly a bit further down, but this tippet is not quite working with my casting. The rod is behaving a bit nervous and is not as agile as I think it should bee in normal conditions.
As soon as water level is getting lower I hope my casting will work properly again.
I did not catch anything nor did I feel a single fish, but reports say that the first spring fish has been caught toady April 5´th, a salmon of 4,5 kg and 75 cm!
fredag 2 april 2010
Finaly ! The first cast is made!
First day of fishing has come and past, and it was fantastic!
The new rod need some more practice but it feels as a rod suited for me. The line for today was a sink 1 / 2 but the water was realy fast so I used a supre fast sinking tip... this made the casting a bit challenging especially as I was a litle rusty. Started to feel better after a few hours.
Water temp was low, probably something lik 1 C.
Unfortnatly I did not land any fish but three times a few feet of line went out... fish was in place as well as I was. I will be back on Monday and try again.
Maby some trout fishing this weekend...
The new rod need some more practice but it feels as a rod suited for me. The line for today was a sink 1 / 2 but the water was realy fast so I used a supre fast sinking tip... this made the casting a bit challenging especially as I was a litle rusty. Started to feel better after a few hours.
Water temp was low, probably something lik 1 C.
Unfortnatly I did not land any fish but three times a few feet of line went out... fish was in place as well as I was. I will be back on Monday and try again.
Maby some trout fishing this weekend...
torsdag 1 april 2010
Nothing has changed – everything is new!
Preparations for the season has this year been more intense than it has been any prior seasons for as long as I can remember. For this season more or less everything is new... new rod, new lines, new flies and so on. The rod has been taken out of its case several times the past weeks – shiny, new and admired. The shooting heads where prepared last week, cut to length and mounted. Flies has been tied for more or less the hole winter, big, bulky and hopefully with lots of movement especially for the spring fishing, a new favourite material is “burnt Spey hackle” that give a nice movement, combined with a fairly large wing I have quite some hope for this kind of fly.
Yesterday I did my final preparations and bought some flourcarbon instead of the nylon tippets I have previously used, will bee interesting to test those.
Where I will bee fishing tomorrow is Ätran in Falkenberg, last year I was fishing in 20 – 40 m² - during the entire season - and at those levels it would bee a nice and comfortable start of the season – today however, Ätran is flooding at 110 m²... a whole new river.
tisdag 2 mars 2010
The plot thickens
Something is happening at the moment! several tackle stores in Sweden has very recently ended their cooperation with Loop tackle! Loop has apparently been behaving badly towards some of their retailers. This is a very strange behaviour from a supplier and it is sending some odd signals to those buying their equipment. When Loop as a supplier is building a web store for direct delivery to its costumer and at the same time is neglecting their business partner – the tackle stores – the costumer is going to suffer.
If Loop is selling direct to their client they are going to make a very large profit compared to selling through dealers – will this be of benefit to costumers ? Probably not...
I am guessing Loop is using Sweden as a experiment and if it turn out the way they hope Loop tackle will not bee seen in ANY fishing shop in the future.
I like to spend time in tackle shops, talk to those working and get a feeling for the rods and reels I might use in the future, by behaving this way Loop is not going to be selling me my next rod...
Maybe they will pull it of and produce good gear and good service even in the future. Time will tell...
If Loop is selling direct to their client they are going to make a very large profit compared to selling through dealers – will this be of benefit to costumers ? Probably not...
I am guessing Loop is using Sweden as a experiment and if it turn out the way they hope Loop tackle will not bee seen in ANY fishing shop in the future.
I like to spend time in tackle shops, talk to those working and get a feeling for the rods and reels I might use in the future, by behaving this way Loop is not going to be selling me my next rod...
Maybe they will pull it of and produce good gear and good service even in the future. Time will tell...
onsdag 24 februari 2010
Inspiring volume

As I was thinking about Mikael Frödins style of salmonflies and I thought I should try to build some of his trademarks in my own flies. His flies is built with translucency, movement and - depending on the river - volume. I think my flies would need some extra movement and volume from what they have today.
This is my Lady Mary built as a fairly large tube, I used a blue spey hackle as body hackle and I hope this will give both volume and movement. Got to try it swimming soon.
måndag 22 februari 2010
A Saturday that inspire
As Saturday morning came the snow had been falling all night and meteorologists were warning everyone from taking the car. I did hesitate from going to Halmstad all morning but as the snowfall got lesser and the SMS got more frequent I finally got in the car and went down! The road was far from good and the ride took about half an hour more than usual, but when I met up with my fishing buddy and we started to talk about the day I know it was turning out to bee a good day...
firstly we went in to check out the fair and then I had to get some new fly tying material, we went up to Mats at Whitlocks – the best fly fishing store in Halmstad, and as far as I know in Sweden – I got some spey hackle and a few more things I had been missing for too long...
got some lunch bragging about all the fish we are going to catch this season. Then it was time to enter the fair, Johan Klingberg had already started to talk about fishing for big trout in the south of Sweden, the best place in his view – in my view as well – he was showing pictures on big trout caught mostly south of Göteborg. Most people go north for trout and grayling fishing but with some curiosity and help from fellow fly fisher you might bee surprised to what you hook...
Johan showed the first part of his film Mayfly madness, if one is fishing for big trout this is a very entertaining film.
As the room shifted to a fly tying workshop we went in the other room and talked to the represents from Guideline, they were showing a rod from their new series, a rod that seems to bee very interesting... I hope I will have the opportunity to try it during spring.
Mikael Frödin had a small but crowded table and was tying salmon flies, magnificent flies.
We where watching for quite some time but did not notice the time until Mikael had to run of and prepare the film Kharlowka! The film is more than can bee expected in a fishing film, if it ever comes to DVD it ought to bee in every serious fly fishers collection! The film is about the Atlantic Salmon Reserve founded by Peter Power, what Peter has done is amazing and so is the Kharlowka film! The filming is top quality and so is the fly fishing.
Arrangement was very good and to sum it up, Saturday was a good fishing day, just before the first cast
New rod for the season!
Friday evening and the weekend is starting in a very good way!
I got my new rod and three new lines. I spent last year fishing with a rod I could not become friends with... I was struggling the whole season but didn't understand the rod, the last day f the season I tried my friends spare rod, a Guideline Lpxe and all of a sudden my casting improved tremendous.
I had been fighting with my rod for an entire year instead of fighting fish.
I had been thinking about getting a new rod but the price for new equipment is often taking a big bite in the budget...
After quite some thinking about it, the choice fell on another rod from Guideline.
The rod is wonderful, at last I have a rod that will make my casting a pleasure instead of a struggle. This will hopefully allow me to concentrate a bit more at the end of my line an at the fish in the pool!
The rod? A Guideline LeCi 13,7 9/10 MF to which I already have a float/sink 1
and the new lines are: float, hover/intermediate and a sink 1 / 2.
These just need to be cut in right length an equipped with a nylon sock for connecting. The start of the season may seem far away but its getting closer and I am starting to feel ready!!
I got my new rod and three new lines. I spent last year fishing with a rod I could not become friends with... I was struggling the whole season but didn't understand the rod, the last day f the season I tried my friends spare rod, a Guideline Lpxe and all of a sudden my casting improved tremendous.
I had been fighting with my rod for an entire year instead of fighting fish.
I had been thinking about getting a new rod but the price for new equipment is often taking a big bite in the budget...
After quite some thinking about it, the choice fell on another rod from Guideline.
The rod is wonderful, at last I have a rod that will make my casting a pleasure instead of a struggle. This will hopefully allow me to concentrate a bit more at the end of my line an at the fish in the pool!
The rod? A Guideline LeCi 13,7 9/10 MF to which I already have a float/sink 1
and the new lines are: float, hover/intermediate and a sink 1 / 2.
These just need to be cut in right length an equipped with a nylon sock for connecting. The start of the season may seem far away but its getting closer and I am starting to feel ready!!
onsdag 17 februari 2010
Winter is a good time to read some books and learn new things, as me and my girlfriend was out walking this weekend, I found a book with a very nice title... Mayflies
I am more of a trout fisher than I am salmon fisher, I have spent quite a few days trying to catch during a mayfly hatch. This book is written by Malcom Knopp and Robert Cormier both of them fishing in the US. It is the most comprehensive book of mayflies I have read (yet) with good and detailed drawings, not that much photographs but a few at least.
Many of the described mayflies differ from the mayflies I find in Sweden, but the book is still helpful.
The three mayflie hatches I fish the most is: Ephemera danica and E. vulgata. Those are the biggest mayflies in Sweden and can grow to about 3 cm! The third one is not as big but it lives where I like to fish the most – in fast water. Heptagonal sulphurea! it is unmistakeably bright yellow and some days occur in wast numbers.
None of those are described in the book but they have relatives living on the other side of the Atlantic. Behaviours seems to be very much alike the spices around my favourite waters. Good book!
I am more of a trout fisher than I am salmon fisher, I have spent quite a few days trying to catch during a mayfly hatch. This book is written by Malcom Knopp and Robert Cormier both of them fishing in the US. It is the most comprehensive book of mayflies I have read (yet) with good and detailed drawings, not that much photographs but a few at least.
Many of the described mayflies differ from the mayflies I find in Sweden, but the book is still helpful.
The three mayflie hatches I fish the most is: Ephemera danica and E. vulgata. Those are the biggest mayflies in Sweden and can grow to about 3 cm! The third one is not as big but it lives where I like to fish the most – in fast water. Heptagonal sulphurea! it is unmistakeably bright yellow and some days occur in wast numbers.
None of those are described in the book but they have relatives living on the other side of the Atlantic. Behaviours seems to be very much alike the spices around my favourite waters. Good book!
tisdag 16 februari 2010
Inspiring Saturday
Another inspiring weekend is approaching and this weekend has a trip to Halmstad on the schedule. One of the fishing clubs in Halmstad, Sportfiskeklubben Laxen, has set up a very exiting Saturday, starting with a open forum about fishing for salmon in Nissan.
Then a fly tying workshop hosting Johan Klingberg, a incredibly good fly fisher and fly tier who is well known for his delicate flies an large trout.
Guideline will bee there and present their news for the season.
This day has a great finally as the new Kharlowka film is being shown for the first time in Scandinavia - world premier in London the day before
A very nice weekend among fly fishing friends!
Then a fly tying workshop hosting Johan Klingberg, a incredibly good fly fisher and fly tier who is well known for his delicate flies an large trout.
Guideline will bee there and present their news for the season.
This day has a great finally as the new Kharlowka film is being shown for the first time in Scandinavia - world premier in London the day before
A very nice weekend among fly fishing friends!
onsdag 3 februari 2010
Winter all over
torsdag 21 januari 2010
First attempt
I bought some deer hair and made a attempt to tie a muddler, I have tried before but with no success.
I think the quality of deer I have previously used (natural coloured) is a good quality for small flies such as a streaking caddis but for my larger salmon tubeflies it just wouldn't work.
Now I bought a more “ruff” quality and it feels really good to use in my tubes.
For the next months I will practice and hopefully this will turn out to catch fish.
I think the quality of deer I have previously used (natural coloured) is a good quality for small flies such as a streaking caddis but for my larger salmon tubeflies it just wouldn't work.
Now I bought a more “ruff” quality and it feels really good to use in my tubes.
For the next months I will practice and hopefully this will turn out to catch fish.
torsdag 14 januari 2010
Muddler for 2010 salmon ?
At the moment a few new patterns for salmon and sea trout is emerging in fishing magazines.
Those patterns will probably appear in most salmon fishers flyboxes during the 2010 season, I know of some innovative and experienced people that has been using them for a seasons or so.
In some of the flies I have seen, the fly is built as a “standard” hair wing salmon / sea trout fly, but it is then finished with a muddler head!
The thoughts around the fly is generally that the muddler head is creating a sound in the water and this sound is supposed to be appealing for the fish.
One might think this would mean a floating fly, but you might as well fish the muddler to a sinking or hovering line.
If you fish the muddler on a sinking line, the fly will bee “hovering” and you might be able to fish it better, especially on the dangle or in slow water where you might be caught in weed or rocks with another fly.
This is one of several advantages for this fly.
I have not tried this myself yet but it will be tested throughout this year.
I think it has been used a bit more for sea trout than salmon fishing but this year the muddler will probably be tested hard for both salmon and sea trout.
Those patterns will probably appear in most salmon fishers flyboxes during the 2010 season, I know of some innovative and experienced people that has been using them for a seasons or so.
In some of the flies I have seen, the fly is built as a “standard” hair wing salmon / sea trout fly, but it is then finished with a muddler head!
The thoughts around the fly is generally that the muddler head is creating a sound in the water and this sound is supposed to be appealing for the fish.
One might think this would mean a floating fly, but you might as well fish the muddler to a sinking or hovering line.
If you fish the muddler on a sinking line, the fly will bee “hovering” and you might be able to fish it better, especially on the dangle or in slow water where you might be caught in weed or rocks with another fly.
This is one of several advantages for this fly.
I have not tried this myself yet but it will be tested throughout this year.
I think it has been used a bit more for sea trout than salmon fishing but this year the muddler will probably be tested hard for both salmon and sea trout.
tisdag 12 januari 2010
white water

I was in Falkenberg today and went down to river Ätran, just to watch it for a moment. Its fairly cold (-6 C) and winter is closing in, wading is starting to look like an adventure. even in faster water ice is starting to build up.
This river is where I spent most of my salmon fishing last season, and I probably spend quite a few days here when the season opens again in April. For now the ducks will not be bothered by anglers but soon enough I will cast a fly across the stream again.
I cannot wait...
måndag 11 januari 2010
New Tubes
Snow and ice is covering most of Sweden, so fishing is for me out of the question.
Instead I spend this winter day by sitting home with my vice and tying flies.
I have found a “type” of fly I really like to tie. At the moment I tend to tie my flies in a way (I think) a lot of Scandinavian salmon fishers build their flies. I do not like copying others but building these, I think I might bee doing just that...
Anyway, today I have built some rather big flies for spring fishing.
I will start my season in a river called Ätran, it enters sea by the town Falkenberg on the west coast. Those fishing in the river tends to use red / brown or red / black patterns, and my fly is a fairly big version of red / brown with quite a bit of glittering.
I started to use angel hair last year and I mostly use it as a body hackle, in these flies I have a bronze type that I hope will give the fly some extra attraction without being overwhelming. These are the largest I now have in my fly box, the wing is about 10 cm and will hopefully give the fly an impressive (and irresistible) volume in the current.
Instead I spend this winter day by sitting home with my vice and tying flies.
I have found a “type” of fly I really like to tie. At the moment I tend to tie my flies in a way (I think) a lot of Scandinavian salmon fishers build their flies. I do not like copying others but building these, I think I might bee doing just that...
Anyway, today I have built some rather big flies for spring fishing.
I will start my season in a river called Ätran, it enters sea by the town Falkenberg on the west coast. Those fishing in the river tends to use red / brown or red / black patterns, and my fly is a fairly big version of red / brown with quite a bit of glittering.
I started to use angel hair last year and I mostly use it as a body hackle, in these flies I have a bronze type that I hope will give the fly some extra attraction without being overwhelming. These are the largest I now have in my fly box, the wing is about 10 cm and will hopefully give the fly an impressive (and irresistible) volume in the current.
tisdag 5 januari 2010
2010 bet
Me and a friend of mine has a small bet for the 2010 season, the price is supposed to be a bottle of whisky for each of 3 categories. The first, the biggest and the most caught salmon and / or sea trout...
I planed to start the fishing really early, I had a small stream in mind that open in January and as it happens I have some clients fairly close to the particular stream...
The stream is called Nybroån and I have passed it a few times, it looks good!
When I went to their web page to book my day ticket, I found out that day tickets are available for Friday, Sunday and Monday, good fishing days but not for me since I´m not there during those days... I would have liked a head start but hopefully I will get a early start anyway, somewhere...
I planed to start the fishing really early, I had a small stream in mind that open in January and as it happens I have some clients fairly close to the particular stream...
The stream is called Nybroån and I have passed it a few times, it looks good!
When I went to their web page to book my day ticket, I found out that day tickets are available for Friday, Sunday and Monday, good fishing days but not for me since I´m not there during those days... I would have liked a head start but hopefully I will get a early start anyway, somewhere...
måndag 4 januari 2010
Icy fishing
A new year has begun, and as the clock turned to 00:01 January first a new season is open!
Coastal fishing for sea trout is now open but only in the south part of Sweden and for me that means 200 km to the nearest fishable coast.
I have never been fly fishing in the sea for sea trout, wading in cold icy water, slippery rocks and chilly wind is not that appealing sitting at home looking out on the snow.
But casting the fly for the first time even into icy water gives some warmth to the frozen surroundings.
I do not have the gear for coastal fishing, a two hand # 9 -10 or a single hand # 6 rod is the best I got, the #6 is not enough for a windy day, and #9-10 is a bit heavy.
Santa was out touring recently but did not bring me any new gear... I might have forgotten to write.
During the time of I read in blogs about people preparing for sea trout fishing, tying flies and packing gear for the opening day.
I am getting quite inspired and thinking that it might be nice to try it. Nothing planned and the winter is cold, but I think I will give it a try some time this year.
Coastal fishing for sea trout is now open but only in the south part of Sweden and for me that means 200 km to the nearest fishable coast.
I have never been fly fishing in the sea for sea trout, wading in cold icy water, slippery rocks and chilly wind is not that appealing sitting at home looking out on the snow.
But casting the fly for the first time even into icy water gives some warmth to the frozen surroundings.
I do not have the gear for coastal fishing, a two hand # 9 -10 or a single hand # 6 rod is the best I got, the #6 is not enough for a windy day, and #9-10 is a bit heavy.
Santa was out touring recently but did not bring me any new gear... I might have forgotten to write.
During the time of I read in blogs about people preparing for sea trout fishing, tying flies and packing gear for the opening day.
I am getting quite inspired and thinking that it might be nice to try it. Nothing planned and the winter is cold, but I think I will give it a try some time this year.
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