lördag 5 december 2009

Lady Mary enter the flybox

As a flyfisher i have probably spent as much time tying flies as a have been fishing them.
All this time has been spent (with few exceptions) on my own. A few weeks ago me and two friends set a date to get together.
Yesterday was the day when anticipation was high and the day moved on slowly, early morning Benny called and had to pass since his wife and son got sick and he had to stay home instead.

Finally time past and i turned up at Andreas apartment, we started the evening by looking at his emourmous cases of material, it seems as if he got at least one of everything...
We orderd food, poured the wine and decided which fishing film we just had to see while eating and later on while tying.

Soon enough plates where replaced with fur and feather, wine became whisky and the kitchen almost turned into a pet shop.
When it comes to fishing for trout and salmon Andreas is the most experienced angler and tyer I know.

In the wintertime when i have plenty of time to tie flyes my inspiration is kind of low... I tie most of my fishing flies the day before I set foot in the stream, that is the time when I am the most inspired. I also have issues with tying excisting patterns, those patterns is no more than just inspiration for my flies.
I get the most satisfaction building and fishing my own patterns and even more when they turn out to catch fish!
For salmon none of my ideas so far has turned out to bee great, getting there i suppose.
Spending the evening with someone who has gotten quite a bit further in those thoughts does however inspire me. Tying new things helps me to understand tying and movement better.
For the first time ever I tied a Spey hackle fly, I also tied my tirst on treble.
Later on the treble got its baptism by a short swim in whisky, and is now called Lady Mary!

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